
En los últimos años, la creciente preocupación por el cambio climático y la responsabilidad social ha llevado a un incremento en la demanda de informes de sostenibilidad por parte de las empresas. Sin embargo, una reciente encuesta ha revelado un alarmante aumento del escepticismo entre los inversores: un 94% de ellos cree que los informes de sostenibilidad corporativa a menudo contienen afirmaciones sin fundamento. Este fenómeno, conocido como greenwashing, está generando un cambio hacia un mayor escrutinio de las prácticas de gobernanza ambiental y social.


En el inicio de 2023, la Junta Internacional de Normas de Sostenibilidad (ISSB, por sus siglas en inglés) lanzó dos normas cruciales: IFRS S1 Requisitos Generales para la Divulgación de Información Financiera Relacionada con la Sostenibilidad y IFRS S2 Divulgaciones Relacionadas con el Clima. Estas normas fueron diseñadas para armonizar los estándares y marcos existentes, proporcionando un conjunto claro de divulgaciones para los interesados en divulgar datos ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance).


In the evolving landscape of sustainable business practices, nature-based solutions (NbS) are emerging as a powerful strategy for companies aiming to balance profitability with environmental stewardship. NbS harnesses the power of nature to address societal challenges, such as climate change, water security, and biodiversity loss, while simultaneously offering economic benefits. This approach not only promotes a healthier planet but also enhances business resilience and reputation. This article delves into the concept of nature-based solutions, their benefits, and how businesses can effectively integrate them into their sustainability strategies.


En un mundo cada vez más consciente de los desafíos ambientales y sociales, los consejos de administración tienen un papel fundamental que desempeñar. Ya no basta con centrarse únicamente en los resultados financieros a corto plazo; los líderes empresariales deben adoptar una visión más amplia e integradora.


In the ever-evolving landscape of business sustainability, the Double Materiality Matrix has emerged as a transformative tool that is reshaping how companies address environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors. Far from being just a diagram, the Double Materiality Matrix is a dynamic instrument that enables businesses to map, prioritize, and respond to the multifaceted impacts of ESG factors on their operations. This powerful tool distinguishes between two critical types of materiality: financial and impact.


In the face of escalating environmental challenges and growing societal expectations, the urgent need for sustainable development demands strategic transformations across multiple sectors. Recognizing this, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development identifies nine critical pathways to guide global industries toward sustainability. Each pathway offers a roadmap to achieving a balance between economic growth, environmental protection, and social well-being.


In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, integrating sustainability into corporate culture is not just a trend; it's a necessity. Companies worldwide are increasingly recognizing that embedding sustainable practices within their core strategies is pivotal for achieving ambitious targets and fulfilling strategic objectives. This comprehensive approach requires the unwavering support and commitment of the entire organization, fostering a unified direction that permeates all levels and functions. Here, we delve into the critical steps to seamlessly weave sustainability into the fabric of corporate culture.


In an era where sustainability is no longer just a buzzword but a business imperative, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) emerges as a game-changing tool for companies committed to genuine environmental stewardship. LCA provides a comprehensive method for evaluating the environmental impacts of products, processes, or services from cradle to grave, encompassing raw material extraction, production, usage, and disposal. This holistic approach enables businesses to identify and mitigate negative environmental impacts, driving more informed decisions and fostering sustainable growth.


The imperative for sustainability has never been more pressing in today's global landscape. Companies across diverse sectors recognize the necessity of integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles into their operations. However, amidst this urgency lies a perplexing challenge: the proliferation of over 600 ESG reporting standards worldwide. This vast array of frameworks presents a significant obstacle, hindering rather than aiding the collective effort to combat climate change.


In an era where corporate responsibility and environmental sustainability are at the forefront of global concerns, transparency has become a crucial component of corporate governance. McBride Corp., Mexico, a stalwart in consulting services across diverse sectors, understands the pivotal role of transparent communication in fostering sustainable business practices. Through years of experience advising companies ranging from banking to energy on sustainability, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors, McBride Corp Mexico has compiled a comprehensive guide on how transparency can elevate corporate sustainability efforts.


En un mundo donde las crisis se han vuelto más una constante que una excepción, el liderazgo ético emerge no solo como un faro de integridad, sino como una estrategia indispensable para la supervivencia y prosperidad de las organizaciones. McBride Corp México, con su impresionante trayectoria de más de 20 años asesorando a sectores tan variados como la banca, la minería, el retail y la energía, se posiciona en la vanguardia de la consultoría en liderazgo ético y responsable, especialmente en momentos de adversidad.


En el mundo empresarial actual, el reporte de Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) se reconoce cada vez más como una necesidad estratégica. Definir objetivos ESG precisos garantiza la alineación con prioridades estratégicas e intereses de los stakeholders, subrayando la importancia de centrarse en temas materiales que afectan tanto a la empresa como a sus partes interesadas.


The relentless advance of climate change is putting the world on the verge of an economic upheaval. Despite potential drastic reductions in CO2 emissions starting today, projections indicate that the global economy could face a staggering income reduction of 19% by 2050 due to the multifaceted impacts of climate change. This article delves into the findings of a thorough study by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), which evaluated the potential effects of changing climatic conditions on economic growth using empirical data from more than 1,600 regions around the world over the previous 40 years.


En el mundo actual, cada vez más empresas están reconociendo la importancia de no solo generar beneficios económicos, sino también contribuir al bienestar de las personas y el planeta. Estas empresas, conocidas como empresas con propósito, se centran en diseñar y desarrollar productos y servicios que tengan un impacto positivo en la sociedad y el medio ambiente. En este artículo, exploraremos cómo diseñar empresas con propósito que generen beneficios para las personas y el planeta.


In recent years, mothers have become a significant part of the workforce and play an essential role in sustaining the economy. However, working mothers face various challenges, such as balancing work and family life, job discrimination, and unequal pay. COVID-19 has only amplified these difficulties with job losses and increased caregiving responsibilities. Employers must recognize these challenges and implement measures to support working mothers. This article highlights some of the challenges working mothers face and provides recommendations for employers to support them.


La sostenibilidad corporativa es un concepto fundamental en la actualidad, en el que las empresas deben considerar no solo su rentabilidad económica, sino también su impacto social y ambiental. Para lograr esto, es necesario que las empresas adopten un enfoque holístico y equilibrado, basado en los tres pilares de la sostenibilidad: social, ambiental y económico. En este artículo, exploraremos cada uno de estos pilares y cómo las empresas pueden incorporarlos en su estrategia de negocio.